Hi Wonderful Friends,
Sorry it's been a bit since I've updated the blog. Life has a funny way of surprising you when you least expect it... I got engaged to a wonderful, amazing man and life got a little busy! Now it is time to get down to business and make this crazy dream of mine happen before I leave for Kenya July 28th!
GOAL: To Raise $14,000 for orphans and vulnerable children in the slum of Kibera.
- $4,000 for travel expenses, camp materials for the kids and food.
- $10,000 for medical supplies, school supplies and clothing for the children.
You all are awesome because my latest fundraising update was $6,390!
Basically I have about a month to raise the $7,610... let's make this happen! Even $5 helps. Tell your friends, family, co-workers. I have an amazing friend who is running a marathon for me... how rad is that?? Let's make a little difference in these kids' lives.
To donate:
Donate Online: http://churchinhollywood.com/#/the-world/kenya
Click on "DONATE"
Select Kenya Mission 2011
Paige Smith
Donate By Check:
Checks made payable to Ecclesia Hollywood
**PLEASE include in the memo line “Paige Smith – Kenya”
Email me at paigecsmith@gmail.com for the address.
Thanks everyone!